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Major Synagogue of the Aljama de Toledo, erected, according to inscription carved on a beam fragment, in the year four thousand nine hundred and forty (1180 AD).

It was rebuilt in the s. XIII and converted into a Christian temple in 1405. In the s. XVI, the Silíceo Cardinal assigned it to a penitential refuge of repentant women, and from this time the three chapels of the head date and an altarpiece attributed to Berruguete or Juan de Borgoña date. In the 18th century it became a barracks and in the 19th century it suffered the effects of confiscation, being used as a warehouse.

The interior is composed of five naves, separated by horseshoe arches on oval pillars, where its capitals stand out with a pineapple-based decoration.

In its walls, a fine work of ribbons, medallions and vases with scallops, of atauriques, stars, etc., weave a beautiful lace that contrasts with its smooth whiteness.

It is considered the best example of Almohad art in Spain.

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