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Toledo convent of the fourteenth century, formed by two of the oldest and most complete Mudejar palaces in Toledo.

The Church consists of two parallel ships covered by alfarjes, in which important works of Jorge Manuel Theotocópuli, Luis Tristán, Diego de Aguilar, Pedro de Cisneros or Juan Bautista Monegro are preserved.

The choir retains remains of 15th-century wall paintings, 14th-century sculptures and carved walnut stalls from the 16th century.

The laurel cloister, in the Mudejar style, with a Talaveran tile base (16th century), preserves an interesting mural painting (15th century) that depicts the Virgin's Toledo scene imposing the chasuble on San Ildefonso.

The patio of the orange tree (10th century) is the oldest area of ​​the convent, giving entrance to the Sala de profundis and the Chapter House that corresponds to the ancient Islamic house of the alphaqui.

The space adjacent to the Sala de profundis is literally flown over the Santo Domingo shed. In the background is the sisters' work room with large windows and magnificent views towards the north of the city of Toledo.

Throughout the visit you can see interesting works of art, plaster, painting, sculpture, ceramics and goldsmiths of incalculable value.

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