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Toledo, Patrimony of the Senses.

History, art, heritage, culture, gastronomy and crafts are mixed in Toledo.

Churches, synagogues and mosques coexist in the city of the Three Cultures, where three great religions such as the Christian, the Jewish and the Muslim have known to leave the best of themselves as a perpetual invitation to coexistence.

From Santiago del Arrabal, jewel of the Christians carved by Mudejar alarifes, to San Juan de los Reyes, emblem of the triumph of the Catholic Monarchs over Islam, in the middle of the Jewish quarter, make Toledo one of the most interesting and surprising cities from Spain.

Bathed by the Tagus River, soaked in El Greco, Cervantes or Garcilaso; surrounded by gastronomy and crafts and invaded by history, art and culture.

Toledo was the capital of the Spanish Empire with Carlos V.

The transfer of capital to Madrid in 1561 plunged Toledo into a stage of decline that took advantage of the Church to become the economic and ideological engine of the city.

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